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什麼是Android TV/Google TV. Android TV係2014伴隨著Android 5.0一齊出,專係針對智能電視而開發既採作系統,Android TV電視需要經Google認證,會有電視版Play Store,內置Chromecast投射功能及搖控會有語音功能(識聽廣東話)。

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Thanks to YouTube for Android TV you'll get to enjoy all your favorite videos directly on your TV. Another neat feature is that you can also use your remote control to write anything you're searching for or instead opt to use your microphone for voice commands. 5/25/2020 2/6/2021 Star Smart YouTube TV YouTube client for set-top boxes and Android-based TVs. Nova-days devices like TVs usually have a number of problems with YouTube. Netflix (Android TV) is an essential app for any user with an Android TV if what you want is to enjoy your Netflix subscription to the max.

Thanks to YouTube for Android TV you'll get to enjoy all your favorite videos directly on your TV. Another neat feature is that you can also use your remote control to write anything you're searching for or instead opt to use your microphone for voice commands. 5/25/2020 2/6/2021 Star Smart YouTube TV YouTube client for set-top boxes and Android-based TVs. Nova-days devices like TVs usually have a number of problems with YouTube. Netflix (Android TV) is an essential app for any user with an Android TV if what you want is to enjoy your Netflix subscription to the max. Thanks to this app you'll get to enjoy hours of the best series including the latest new TV shows and exclusive movies that are only on Netflix.